Usually after attending the Surviving Your Serengeti keynote delegates are anxious to learn even more about their strongest innate skills, how they can implement and maximum their strengths and weaknesses and how they can learn to better work with the abilities and limitations of those on their team.
“The Safari of Self Discovery” is a fully packed, face-to-face live facilitated two-day workshop that includes hands-on learning with many practical exercises and extensive small-group interaction.
Are you an enduring wildebeest, who understands that any goal worth achieving requires pressing on despite the hardships? Or are you a strategic lion, who knows how to execute a sound strategy with a stealthy, unified team? Do you spot opportunities like the enterprising crocodile or are you effective with your resources as the efficient cheetah? Do you take brave gambles like the risk-taking mongoose? Or do you have the kindheartedness of the gracious giraffe or the remarkable ability to get your message across like the communicating elephant?
People have a strong curiosity to learn more about their strengths and swiftly relate to the authentic parable. With over 50,000 people who have taken the “What Animal Am I?” quiz the overwhelming majority associate with their specific animal very quickly. The few that were either surprised or disappointed because they had secretly hoped to be another animal soon discover that there are actually surprisingly similar to the animal the quiz revealed.
The workshop draws participants in and facilitates their involvement in a safari of self discover by learning about the skillsets, strengths and weaknesses of all seven the animals, one by one.
We are soon reminded that we should never judge a person on outward appearances and that in the end it’s more about how you survive your “Serengeti” with all the animals therein. It’s then when the “Tourists” (what we call the attendees at the workshop) accept who they are, and come along for the discovery process that that the “Rangers” (what we call the instructors) take them.
The workshop draws participants in and facilitates their involvement in a safari of self discover by learning about the skillsets, strengths and weaknesses of all seven the animals, one by one.
“The Safari of Self Discovery” is a fully packed, face-to-face live facilitated two-day workshop that includes hands-on learning with many practical exercises and extensive small-group interaction.
Learning more about your office colleagues, friends or even family members invariably leads to a fun and extensive non-threatening discussions about how people work together and why we often take decisions the way we do.
Contact DJ at the Serengeti Institute (at 949-681-9409 or DJ at ) to learn how you can host a Safari of Self Discovery workshop at your company,